Middle atmospheric dynamics

ARISE-FR observations at OHP by lidar, infrasound technology and satellites

ARISE-FR focuses on the study of the middle atmosphere dynamics and long range extreme event monitoring

The Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe (ARISE) project (http://arise-project.eu) aims at establishing an innovative atmospheric research and data platform in Europe which combines observations with theoretical and modeling studies to elucidate the dynamics of the middle atmosphere. For the first time, several technologies (infrasound and lidar networks, complementary radars, and satellites) are used simultaneously and in a complementary way. The altitude range covers the middle atmosphere where routine high resolution observations are rare. The collected data are required to improve weather and climate models and monitor atmospheric extreme events in broad time and space scales. Selected examples of ARISE-FR data products are dedicated to highlight the French contribution in the ARISE data portal demonstrator.

The ARISE data portal is a demonstrator developed in the framework of the ARISE2 design study, funded under the H2020 programme of the European Union (n°653980) and previously under the FP7 programme (GA n°284387).

Additional data and advanced products designed during the ARISE project are available through the ARISE prototype data portal (http://arise-portal.eu).


  • Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies » Editors: A. Le Pichon, E. blanc, A. Hauchecorne Springer, (2010) http://www.springer.com/fr/book/9781402095078
  • Toward an Improved Representation of Middle Atmospheric Dynamics Thanks to the ARISE Project
    E. Blanc, L. Ceranna, A. Hauchecorne, A. Charlton-Perez, E. Marchetti, L. G. Evers, T. Kvaerna, J. Lastovicka, L. Eliasson, N. B. Crosby, P. Blanc-Benon, A. Le Pichon, N. Brachet, C. Pilger, P. Keckhut, J. D. Assink, P. S. M. Smets, C. F. Lee, J. Kero, T. Sindelarova, N. Kämpfer, R. Rüfenacht, T. Farges, C. Millet, S. P. Näsholm, S. J. Gibbons, P. J. Espy, R. E. Hibbins, P. Heinrich, M. Ripepe, S. Khaykin, N. Mze & J. Chum, Surveys in Geophysics, 39(2), 171-225, 10.1007/s10712-017-9444-0, (2017) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10712-017-9444-0
  • Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies: “Challenges in Middle-atmosphere Dynamics and Societal Benefits”, Second Edition, Springer, Editors: A. Le Pichon, E. Blanc, A. Hauchecorne (2018) https://www.springer.com/gb/book/9783319751382

Context Global Atmospheric Model

Weather and climate forecasting communities are moving toward a more comprehensive representation of the atmosphere to better capture stratospheric-tropospheric interactions and improve long-term forecasts.
The combination of innovative relevant observations and numerical modeling contribute to a better prediction of extreme atmospheric events.
An important part of improving our understanding of the general circulation of the middle atmosphere (MA, from ~12 to ~100 km) is building a detailed knowledge of the MA dynamics through multiple multi-technology observation platforms.
There is an increasing interest to develop whole atmosphere models that extend from the ground to the thermosphere, as it is now recognized that a better description of middle and upper atmospheric regions can improve tropospheric forecast skill scores at medium range.

The European H2020 ARISE project is designed to study the dynamics of the atmosphere from the ground to the mesosphere, through the use of complementary technologies and observation networks, such as the infrasound network of the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBO) and the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDAAC) using the lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) technology and different radar systems and satellite observations.
The ARISE observation campaigns at Observatoire de Haute Provence, France (43.94N, 5.71E) allowed evaluating middle atmospheric models and their uncertainties.
Combining middle-atmospheric sounding techniques help to better describe the interaction between atmospheric layers in ranges of altitude which are poorly sampled and better capture the influence of gravity waves and large-scale planetary waves over the general circulation.

Another objective of ARISE is to demonstrate the potential of infrasound arrays for monitoring volcanic eruptions at the European scale using the Etna volcano observed at different distances, from source vicinity to thousands of kilometers.
Results will further be applied to the monitoring of other volcanoes in other parts of the world.
Eruption infrasound bulletins are provided, including near field Etna eruption information for source and propagation studies.
We currently investigate the optimization of the future ARISE infrastructure coverage by considering additional array deployments in the Mediterranean region.
It is expected that the implementation of such a network into automated eruption detection systems could led to substantial improvements to prevent eruption disasters and mitigate the impact of ash clouds on aviation in regions where active volcanoes are poorly instrumented.